Week two!! (June 18-23)
Second week of camp!! The second week of camp was filled with good food and new memories! The fun began on Sunday afternoon when we welcomed 6th-8th graders and a smaller group of 3rd-5th graders who left on Wednesday morning.
The campers had time to settle into their cabins when they arrived after we as a staff went over introductions and rules. The campers all then headed to the camp tour, where fun squad takes them around camp sharing fun stories and important places to know. Then they headed to the waterfront for the swim test! Then it was time for cabin unity dinner. Dinner was followed by campfire where our lovely director Sarah gave a campfire talk on how we will never be able to get even in God’s eyes. After campfire we played “finding grandma in costco: you know what to do,” a game played in the field of death. Then the kids raced to canteen which was the final activity of the night besides devotions.

Monday our first full day was filled with tons of activities, all the kids got a chance to participate in bible study and 11 o’clock activities, such as field of life, canoeing and others. Lunch was sport themed then in the afternoon the kids got to swim at the waterfront where they got to enjoy the raft and the lilypad as well as the waterbees. They also all got to play rat-a-tat-tat in the field of life. During these switches there was also canteen. After our zoo themed dinner the campers played mighty mighty scoop noodle in the field of life, followed by campfire. Where first year God squader Blake Duea gave on being yourself and accepting who you are. After campfire the kids rushed to canteen then we played pictionary in the lower lodge. We ended the night with devotions in the cabins with each cabin’s designated staff member.
Tuesday was just as jam packed as Monday, with mostly the same activities just different games. However following dinner instead of a game we hat PIP also known as ‘party in the pines’ a camp carnival where the campers can win prizes. As usual following PIP we had campfire talk where first year fun squader Becky Perkins gave a campfire talk. This night we held devos a little earlier, then the campers headed to the chapel for a movie. The counselors got a little bit of free time. Then it was lights out.
For the older kids Wednesday held about the same activities as the two days prior. With more games and swim time. Around 11 the younger kids started packing up to head home on the bus that was bringing a new batch of campers up to camp! The bus arrived around 11:15 while the older kids were in their 11 o’clock activities. After the new kids got off the bus the other kids hopped on and headed back to camp. The new group of young campers ate lunch with the older kids who were staying for the whole week. Then while the older kids did the normal switches, the younger kids also had switches where they did the swim test then bible study. The rest of the day followed as normal. Dinner was superhero themed, then the kids headed to the field of life for a game, followed by campfire, where second year God squader Jack Gschwendtner gave a talk on how he’s experienced forgiveness in his lifetime, specifically through his sister at a young age and how God calls us to forgive and how he’s working on forgiveness.
Campfire was followed by canteen and then a hilarious talent show where the campers got to show off skits they had created. Then it was time for devos and sleep!
Thursday, also known as olympic day!! The beginning of Thursday went normally with bible study and 11 o’clock activities. After lunch is when it really gets exciting, olympic time!! At lunch the campers learned which team they were on, bullet ants, fire ants, carpenter ants and yellow crazy ants. They started at the waterfront where they competed in canoe racing, canoe sinking and then synchronized swimming and sand castle building. After they completed these activities they had some canteen time to refuel before land olympics where they competed in tug-of-war, some relays and a cheer contest. During olympics for the older kids, the younger kids also got a chance to swim and do the challenge course! Once olympics were done, they headed back to their cabins to get ready for ‘dress your best/worse dinner’ following this was another super fun camp game! After the game the campers migrated over to campfire, where they received ashes. Thursday night’s campfire talk was given by a second year God squader, Baylee Brabender. After Baylee’s talk, God squad wiped the ashes off of everyone’s foreheads. After this the campers had canteen then headed to the lower lodge for a game of ships and sailors. Then they headed back to their cabins for the final night of devos.

On Friday the campers and staff got to wake up a little bit later, but then proceeded to morning worship followed by breakfast. After breakfast the campers headed to the chapel for the camp video before they started packing up and cleaning their cabins. After the staff members checked off the cleanliness of their cabins the campers met in the canteen area for all camp clean up followed by a corn dog and hot dog lunch. At this time they also had a chance to buy some last minute items for the bus ride home. After everyone was finished eating and both buses were packed up the staff said goodbye to the campers and sent them on their way back to Eden Prairie.
We had such a fun week this week and are so so glad that you decided to send your campers to hang out with us. We hope your kids had a fantastic week up at camp and are so excited to see them again next year.
Love, Sierra Luna