THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST IN WORKING AT SPIRIT IN THE PINES! All young adults who are 18+ and will be one year post high school (as of June 2025) are eligible to apply for a paid staff position at Spirit in the Pines Camp next summer.
WHY WORK AT CAMP? Typically, our staff have all been former campers and counselors together. This is an incredibly rewarding job in a close-knit and caring community. And, on top of that, many CEOs say that camp jobs uniquely equip you with very desirable professional skills.
LEADERSHIP STRUCTURE FOR SUMMER 2025: Our onsite leadership for camp will include the Camp Director (Sarah), the Assistant Director (Meghan), and the Program Director (Caleb). Two of these three leaders will be onsite at all times, except for family camp weekends. On family camp weekends only one of these three leaders will be present, and they will be joined by a pastor or staff member from St. Andrew.
APPLICATION: The online employment application for Summer 2025 will be available on December 10th, 2024. Interviews will take place during the first week of January, with all callbacks occurring on the same day, ideally on January 22nd and no later than January 31st.
WHAT ARE THE SALARY AND BENEFITS? All food and lodging is included every summer, and you can read more details about this specific summer in the FAQs below.
16 OPEN POSITIONS: We are looking to hire 1 Health Care Manager and 15 program staff members (Ages 18+). We are also offering paid “add-on’s” that each consist of an additional weekly task set. Anyone applying for a program staff position can also apply for one of these additional responsibilities, with preference given to returning second year staff. You can indicate your interest in all of these positions and the “add-on’s” through our single online application form. The descriptions within the application include salary and benefit information for all roles.
7 OPEN “ADD-ON” ROLES: These 7 positions include: Social Media Specialist, Dietary Meals Assistant, Canteen Coordinator, Videographer, Inclusion Facilitator, Maintenance Assistant, and Arts & Crafts Organizer.
EMPLOYMENT DATES: All positions run from June 2 – August 17, with 12 hours of self-paced online training to be be completed during the month of May. All positions include 2 days off per week, taken continuously on the weekends or broken up as 16 hours distributed through M-F. Additionally, everyone can request up to 7 paid days off for vacation or illness. We are open to considering partial summer positions, and that would be discussed during the interview process.
REQUIREMENTS: Must possess good physical stamina with long hours and the majority of time spent outdoors. Prior counselor or camper experience at Spirit in the Pines or another camp is helpful but not required.
REFERENCES: All applicants must also provide two personal references, and applications will not be considered until those have been received. A link for your references will be emailed directly to them after you submit your application.
QUESTIONS: Please contact campingministry@standrewlu.org with any employment related questions.