Summer 2025
Thank you for your interest in wanting to be a new or returning Camp Counselor at Spirit in the Pines for Summer 2025. These important volunteer roles are available to those who are currently in Grades 11-12 or who are over the age of 18.
- New Counselors: Grade 11 & 12 (2024-2025)
- Returning/Lead Counselors: Grade 11, Grade 12, & Age 18+
- 6 Sunday Night Trainings from 4:00 – 6:00 P.M. at St. Andrew: Nov 17, Dec 15, Jan 12, Feb 9 (2-4PM), Mar 9, May 18
- Counselor Retreat Weekends at Camp: March 21-23 -or- April 11-13
- Counselor Retreat Make-Up Options at Camp: January 24-26 -or- February 21-23
- Week Requests: Feb 9 – Submit requests for top three choices of camp week
Important Links
Applications for Counselors & Counselors-in-Training for Summer 2025 are now available! The training program starts in December with monthly session on Sunday evenings. Students who submit applications later in the year, or who miss a training session, may make up any missed training sessions online with video links and questionnaires. Those videos and questionnaires, along with more details about how summer weeks are requested and assigned, are included in the links below.
All Counselors/CITs from Summer 2024 are eligible to volunteer at our school year confirmation retreats (2024-2025). Note: These weekends will also host a make-up counselor retreat track.
- GRADES 5 – 7: WINTER CAMP WEEKEND #1 (January 24-26, 2025)
- GRADE 8: WINTER CAMP WEEKEND #2 (February 21-23, 2025)
If you are not volunteering for a retreat above, you are required to volunteer for at least one of the following welcome to camp events. Lunch is included on the school release days, and dinner is included at the Parent’s Night Out events.
- School Release Day Options: 11/8, 1/20 ,2/14, 2/28, 5/9 (9-1PM shift or 12-4PM shift)
- Parent’s Night Out Options: 11/1, 12/6, 1/3, 2/7, 3/7, 4/4, 5/2 (all shifts 5-8PM)