Camp Agape #1 (June 26 – July 1)
This morning, I asked campers and staff to tell me one memorable thing that happened this week at camp. Here are a few of the answers:
- The Johnny Appleseed prayer, over and over and over again
- Throwing water balloons at the staff, twice
- Gob-soccer
- Steeplechase, particularly the “Pull-a-person” event
- Wuka-luk-tuk
- All the friendship bracelets
- Land and Water Olympics
- Zuuummmbbbaaaa
- Song Competitions
- Devotions
- Quote Lily James *slow blink* “We had a great time”
The longer I have worked at camp, the more I have realized that the experience you have here is difficult to explain. There are times when you are yelling a cheer that makes no sense for a stranger you met four days ago as they run a plastic hotdog from one location to another. There are other times when you sit at a campfire and there are twenty voices or more praying over each other as the sun sets. There are smaller moments when you just can’t stop laughing over a silly voice someone made, or when you realize you just made a new friend.

This week has also been full of a special twist. Our highschool campers also experienced a week of Olympic Games here at camp, and this week our Olympics were framed around the classic game of CandyLand.
Now I know you are wondering, which CandyLand characters inspired our Olympic Teams? Well it is simply the classic characters of Queen Frostine, Lord Licorice, Mr. Mint, and Gloppy.

These teams battled it out through the Talent Show, Sweet vs. Sour taste testings, canoe races, Tug-o-War and much, much more throughout this week. After some truly heroic moments, it ended with Mr. Mint taking the title.
While the Olympic teams were busy creating flags and yelling their support in the middle of lunch, there were also some camp firsts. We had our first campfire at our new location near the canteen, our first all-camp star gazing of the summer, our first coffee house. These firsts remind the staff in new ways why we love camp.
I wish I could give you all the feeling of this week right now. I wish I could make you feel all the love, silliness, belonging, and growth that this week has had, but I hope you can feel a tiny bit of it after reading this.
God is love, and you are loved.
Hailey and Meghan
Co-Assistant Directors